A Royal Love Story (Riansh) (IMMJ 2) Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Riddhima’s pov ..

No .. No .. ruhi .. you can’t back off now .. how could you ?? .. but what all happen in last 2 days .. are out of my imagination ..

( Then she ran to her bag and took out her idol , sculpture of bappa .. )

Bappa help me .. I am in dilemma .. do something .. I trust you .. here I am not ready .. whereas down all the arrangements are down for the marriage ..

( Then for a while closes her eyes .. )

Now !! I know what to do ..



Two days before …

Authors pov …

It was engagement ceremony of riddhima and Vijay .. Soon the they were asked to exchange the ring ..

First riddhima was asked then Vijay to do so ..

With trembling hand .. she made him wear the ring ..Now it was Vijay asked for ..

When he tired to slid in her finger , that’s when they all came to know it’s the same hand where she had injured ..

After a little try when Vijay was unable .. while riddhima was in pain ..

They decided to let it be .. and Vijay made her wear in right hand ..



Ragini’s room ..

Kabir : ” Now what will we do ?? .. our every plan was flopped .. we try to convince Riddhima .. we try to convince bhai .. even we made so many obstacles in every ritual … But still we all are here .. dressed up to see Riddhima weds Vijay .. ” said in furstration ..

Sia : ” Bhai clam down .. ” but was literally cut ..

Neil : ” How could be Sia ?? .. There is something fishy about that Vijay .. but what , we can’t figure out .. ”

That’s when something strikes Angre ..

Angre : ” Hey !! Do you saw Vansh Bhai from morning .. ” asked , while this was the question .. where did Vansh left for ..

Ragini : ” Yay !! And even yesterday he was missing in all the functions .. while he was talking to someone continuously … ”



While somewhere a person who was talking on his phone .. while driving the car ..

P : ” Rishi .. we aware of .. it’s dangerous .. we don’t know how many people are there .. we ready with police .. ” and cuts the call ..



Riddhima’s pov ..

The things that took place in last 2 days are just a accident or ..



It was haldi ceremony ..

Maa , badima , Papa , all were happy .. while I was least interested ..

As soon it ended .. I was told to move at backyard for further virtual …

When I collied with Vansh .. while my haldi was got applied to him …

Not even this but my Mehndi ..

That girl who put the Mehndi to me .. had wrote VR .. when all ask them about the reason .. they replied as it’s my and Vijay initial ..

While in front of me that could only get was …. Vansh ..



Now I am here in my bridal dress ready to get married to Vijay ..

And become from Riddhima Thakur to Mrs. Vijay Malhotra …

( No chappal and tamatar allowed …

🏃🏃 )

Downstairs ..

Badima : ” Naina .. calm down all the arrangements are well down .. sit .. sit here .. ” said while making Naina sit on a couch ..

Naina : ” Bhabhi .. wo kaam .. ” tired to say while catching some fresh air ..

Badima : ” first take a deep breath … You go and check on riddhima .. an my will be here .. ”

This is not so big function only some closed once are present ..



It’s abandon place .. where a girl is tied to a chair .. while she is unconscious ..

Whereas there is gang of four are playing cards ..

G 1 : ” Arre .. I loss .. ”

G 2 : ” Yay !! I have only two cards now … You’ll just see .. ”

G 3 : ” You just think .. I won .. Now give me my money …” said throwing the cards on table ..

G 4 : ” Take … ” said handovering the money to him ..

The third gong was counting the money .. that’s when he got a call ..

As he took out the phone .. it was flashing ‘ BOSS ‘ .. he immediately stood up and replied to it … While moved a little far from them ..

G 3 : ” Yes boss … She is here .. don’t worry .. she will never come back to your life .. ok boss .. Yeah .. when you will be here , we will kill her at that time only .. ” and cuts the call ..

When he turns around he was shocked …



While here Naina was just admiring her daughter ..

Naina : ” I can’t believe , my little daughter who was till now playing , jumping in this whole palace , is now going to leave me .. ” said in broken voice .. while a long tears escape from her eyes ..

And that’s was it .. riddhima hugged her mother and started crying …

Naina : ” Now .. don’t cry or your makeup would get vainshed … Let’s go everyone is waiting for you .. ” said cupping her face .. while riddhima chuckles …

Later she took riddhima with her to the Mandap ..



When he ( gang wala ..😐 ) one turned to get a shock ..

Police : ” You are under arrest .. ” showing the handclasp ..

Person : ” Officer … We need two of you .. because they are just pawn , the main leader is still there .. ” while the official nodded ..

Soon the police took the gang them … Whereas two of them where still there ..

While the person and rishi lead toward the girl , and freed her .. and then sprinkle water on her face to awake her ..

While slowly she opens her eyes …



While here unwillingly all the youngsters join the the marriage .. along with Uma and Ajay whereas Siya was trying to call Vansh continuously .. but all the time it showed switch off ..

Then she moved toward Neil and wishpered him ..

Sia : ” He isn’t picking .. now … ”

Neil : ” Pray .. ” said joining his hands … Not having better option she too joined him ..

That’s when someone enters taking everyone’s attention ..

” You are under arrest Mr. Malhotra … “

P.S. :- Ok !! So now what next ??

I think you would have guessed ..

Hey !! Got a precap for you all ..

Precap :- RiAnsh wedding 🥳🥳🥳🥳


I love to be like I am .. If you don't like it's your problem ..

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