A Fresh Start- An Abhigya Fanfiction Episode 12

The next day,, it’s 6 o clock in the morning and everyone in the Mehra Kohli house is asleep…Suddenly everyone is awoken by 7 loud doorbells ringing…Everyone is furious and Rhea is the first one to get down and open the door…She opens the door and is shocked when she finds an envelope with Divorce Papers, love Kiara written on it…Kiara who is hiding from afar looks on and smirks and recounts how she had made her drunk mom sign the paper after they all came back from the party yesterday…She was glad that very soon her family would be away from this cruel surname… 

Rhea picks up the papers and opens the seal…She then reads through the papers and checks her mother’s signature..Pragya Arora is written and Rhea keeps her hand on her signature and holds it close to her heart and begins to cry…Suddenly everyone behind her is alarmed and asks her what’s up and she shows Abhi the divorce papers and a tear drops from his eyes…He is still confused as to how everything happened so quickly and whether his fuggy was in Delhi…The entire family was shocked and worried and that’s when Agham said that Kiara has sent them…

Meanwhile, in the suite of Ragini and Pragya…they both wake up in their rooms very hungover and then meet in the hall and are shocked when they realise the time…They both had a meeting with their investor from the US today and are super late for the meeting…Pragya decides to go to the meeting room of the same hotel where their meeting was and tells Ragini to come soon…She looks at all the kids and the all are seen to be sleeping in the hall of the suite only and they all look very tired…Kiara then enters the suite and looks at Pragya shockingly…Pragya suspects that something but is too late…she runs out of the room and walks towards the meeting room…she readujusts her blazer as she sees a man, Neil and his son, Ranbeer already sitting there waiting for her…She walks in and then looks at them closely…They look up as they aknowlegde her and shake her hand…She sits down and begins talking to them about their business, stock market and her business partner…Neil then starts a presentation as Pragya tells him that her partner will be coming soon and interally curses Ragini for taking so much time to get ready…Ragini is seen hurrying down the steps and is just about to enter the meeting room when she feels a little weird….

Ragini rushes in and without looking at the people she enters and says ‘So sorry I am late’…Neil looks up and they are shocked to see each other…Ranbir also thinks her face is familar and that’s when Pragya coughs a little to break the staring contest and that’s when Neil breaks the silence and says ‘Ragini’ and Ragini feels the needs to run away but she knows she needs to move on in life and she masks her sorrow and says ‘Nachiket’…Ranbir realises what’s going on and subconsiously says ‘Mom’ and Ragini looks at her son in tears, while Pragya who is shocked by this sudden revealation coughs out the water she was drinking and looks at Ranbir and says ‘MOM?’ and then looks towards Neil and Ragini who are lost in each other’s eyes… 

Ragini and Neil break their staring and Ragini slowly regains her composure and nods to Pragya, signaling to go ahead with the meeting…The meeting goes on professionally, as all four of them are very professional and great business men and women…Although you can see a sadness in Ranbir Khanna’s eyes…After the meeting ends, Pragya and Ragini get up to show them the way but Neil stops and congratulates them for signing the deal and he also wishes them the very best in life…Ragini scoffs at this, but this doesn’t go unnoticed by anyone…Neil then says’ The same old Ragini, never thinks anyone can wish the best for me’…Pragya interrupts their banter by saying ‘Do you two know each other?’…’They used to be married!’ says Ranbir…’Oh toh tum Nachiket ho’ says Pragya…He nods…He and his son are about to leave when something strikes him…He turns around and tells Ragini, ‘Would you like to celebrate our partnership? With a lunch at my in laws house? Where by the way me and my 3 children are living’…Ragini is shocked at they at living at her parents but grows annoyed when he mentions the three children because only two of them are hers…She turns to Pragya who looks at her and she signals a no, but just then Pragya says yes sure she would love to join you guys as she knows how much Ragini misses her family and has no idea of their wellbeing…Neil and his son leave and Pragya smiles at Ragini…Ragini smirks and then tells Pragya that she would also have to accompany her now that she has forced her to go…Pragya sighs and then tells her she had to lunch with her firstborn…Ragini tells her to invite Kiara too and Pragya messages Kiara to meet her down in 5 mins instead…By the time they reach there, they already find Kiara ready sitting in a Rolls Royce ready to drive…

Meanwhile, Neil calls Dida and asks her to prepare Pani Puris as his business client will be coming today and they are her favourite…He feels happy that he is planning their reunion but is met with the angry of eyes of his son…Neil warns Ranbir ‘Please talk with respect, at the end of the day she is your mother’…He scoffs too and walks away…Neil can’t help but notice Ranbir and Ragini’s similarities and is really happy to see her this successful…Meanwhile, Dida informs everyone about the same and everyone expect Abhi, Aliya, Dadi, Mitali, Raj promise to be there…Rhea asks Dida if she can invite her Nani and she happily agrees saying more the merrier…Rhea calls Sarla and asks her to be there by 1pm

All preparations are being made for the guests, but unknown to everyone both these ladies are very much coming to their homes after many many years…Everyone is sitting on the dining table waiting for the guests to arrive…Agham and Suhani are in their room and Ranbir Khanna is keeping them busy as his dad has instructed him not to let Suhani meet Ragini at cost…The three ladies park their car and Pragya feels like this place is oddly familiar but is too busy chatting with Kiara to notice…Kiara presses Ragini’s hand and tells her to face their fears…They all three decide to cough three times if any of them feel like leaving…Kiara rings the bell and the door opens with Dida and Neil opening the door…Dida is shocked to see her daughter, Prachi’s mother and the girl who created a havoc yesterday…While Neil is only shocked to see Kiara…Kiara is shocked to see Neil, Pragya is shocked to see Dida and recounts what all they had said to Prachi…

‘Neil’ ‘Ragini’ ‘Dida’ ‘Kiara’ different people say at the same time and everyone looks towards each other in confusion…Before anyone can say anything Kiara moves towards Neil and says won’t you give you favorite a hug? She moves towards Neil and he opens up his arms for her…As they hug he whispers into her ears’ I still remember what you pulled yesterday! Care to explain?’…’The truth will be out soon’ smirks Kiara…Pragya and Ragini are shocked at their interaction and Kiara introduces Pragya to Dida and Neil as her mother…Pragya and Ragini nod and wonder what else they will have to face after this encounter…As Dida tries to get closer to Ragini, she simply joins her hands in a Namaste and fakes a smile….As they were taking too long, Ranbeer Kohli comes out to see what’s wrong and only recognizes Prachi’s mother and the other girl who reminds him of Rhea…’Aunty Aap’ he says and Pragya nods…’Prachi kaha hai?’ Before Pragya can reply Dida says ‘Sorry Puttar, Please forgive us for our behaviour towards Prachi’…Pragya nods and that’s when Kiara says ‘ Masi aur Mumma will we stand here only and finish all the talk?’

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