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Prachee Shah Paandya Expresses the Challenges of Categorization in the Entertainment Industry

Prachee Shah Paandya Expresses the Challenges of Categorization in the Entertainment Industry

Prachee Shah Paandya, who recently visited Ahmedabad, shared her thoughts on the entertainment industry, highlighting the challenges that artists face when trying to explore different mediums such as TV, OTT, and film. In an interview, she emphasized that these industries often place artists in predefined categories, making it difficult to transition between them. Prachee also discussed the importance of breaking free from these categorizations and the need for fresh faces in various roles. Here are some key points from her conversation:

Prachee Shah Paandya acknowledged that there are three distinct segments within the entertainment industry—TV, OTT, and film. She pointed out that crossing over from one medium to another is challenging. She cited the example of Rasika Dugal, who has excelled in the OTT space and emphasized that categorizations within the industry can limit opportunities.

Breaking Stereotypes: Prachee mentioned that she often gets typecast as a soft, vulnerable mother, but she doesn’t see it as a limitation. She believes that these roles offer substantial scope if written well. However, she also highlighted that the industry tends to put actors in boxes, and she hopes for more diverse and unconventional roles to break free from these stereotypes.

Challenges in Age Group: Prachee discussed the challenges of being in a tricky age group and the necessity of staying active in the industry. She emphasized that actors must rely on casting directors to find suitable roles and that filmmakers should be willing to experiment with newer faces for different characters.

Struggles Shared by All Actors: According to Prachee, the struggle is similar for both male and female actors. She noted that TV actors often face the challenge of being over-exposed, with audiences remembering them from specific daily soaps. To explore new dimensions, she took a break from TV.

Aesthetic Representation in OTT: Prachee expressed her reluctance to take on bold or intimate roles on screen if they don’t align with her personal values or if her daughter cannot relate to them. She believes that only a few individuals can aesthetically represent violent or intimate scenes on OTT platforms. To step out of her comfort zone, a role must significantly elevate her craft.

Prachee Shah Paandya’s insights shed light on the industry’s categorization challenges and the evolving landscape of entertainment, where artists strive to break free from predefined roles and stereotypes while maintaining their integrity and values.

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